Kiln Bypass Unit

The amount of waste used in alternative fuel firing has increased, so the concentration of volatile components, in particular, chlorine has increased as well. Therefore, removal of chlorine effectively from kiln-preheater systems becomes a must.

DTM has developed an efficient Bypass System to remove chlorine from PHT. The use of advanced CFD methods allows DTM’s Bypass Systems to rapidly cool the kiln gas while protecting itself from it using swirl action for stronger durability.

This technology can be used for energy-saving low alkali high quality clinker production as well for customers to have more stable operation. Bypass Systems contribute to a flexible operation for different types and amounts of fuels & raw materials.

Accelerating usage of alternative fuels and raw materials with the Cl content bring along the bypass system requirement.

DAL offers a diverse range of technologies for bypass system which consisting of;


  • Take off design allowing to lower dust load
  • The state of art quenching chamber, simulations with advanced CFD programmes
  • Dust handling equipment; bypass silo with extraction system, cooling screw to reduce the temperature, dilution system and Lime injectors.


  • No more cyclone blockage and kiln shutdown due to build-ups, smooth operation
  • Low impact at kiln heat consumption
  • Higher AF substitution rate