Dynamic separator is a device that separates course and fine materials as reject and product. It can be used in many areas of industry such as cemet, energy, mine, metals and agriculture.
Dynamic separator consists of some main parts such as blades (rotor, static, vortex), casing and reject box. There are two types ( static and dynamic ) separator according to working principle.
Dynamic separator has two types according to casing design. They are called spiral and cylindrical casing, respectively.
DEG has a very good team and equipments for research and development of all parts of the separator. DEG prepared R&D laboratory project for test of new designed machines, and it is established in ÇORLU. DEG company can design new separator and makes some modification for 1. and 2. generation separator to increase their capacity.
- Field Experience: DEG company has enough experience for commissioning and erecting the separator. There are supervisors and engineers for this purposes.
- Customized Design Approach: Before designing any separator, we examine the working places and working condition for settling separator. Furthermore, in our design there are some key parameters such as cut size, mineral properties, capacity and flow sheet.
- Most Advanced Design Software: DEG separator are designed by means of ANSYS Blade Design software. In this software it is possible to obtain different types of blades for different processe
- Advanced Simulation ( CFX, CFD ): After solid model, we put our model into simulation program for flow analysis. In this analysis we can find pressure drop, velocity, pressure temperature distribution and particle motion.
- Engineering background: DEG has prepared a design program for calculations. This program bases on engineering knowledge. There is also cooperation between some famous universities and DEG company.
- Low electricity consumption (0.4-0.9 kWh/t product)
- Low pressure drop
- Effectively used rotor area
- Low noise and vibration
- Ideal Tromp curve
- Economic and easy maintenance
- Cost effective installation